Carlos Alfonso
Interested in framing counter-knowledge in the form of anecdotes, narratives and oralities, Carlos Alfonso focuses on rethinking associations that can be drawn from an anthropological and speculative approach. His body of work as described by him “engages with cooking, image-making, sculpture, performance and editorial practices as ways of spreading information and echoing collective constructs.” Notions of co-creation, collectivity and hospitality are certainly leitmotivs of Alfonso’s processes. In 2020, the artist published the book “Mundos Mutuos, la cocina como taller” with anthropologist Cristina Consuegra, an in-depth look at the act of cooking and eating with others, also conceived as an open field for the exchange of knowledge surrounding culinary processes, agriculture, cultural history and the ecology of food. Alfonso’s Chinese ink drawings featured in the In Situ section brought together under the title Mundos Mutuos, are part of a broader series of drawings published in the above mentioned book of research based recipes.
"Each one being a fragment of knowledge and knowledges that belong to a larger plane and that come from outside the framework of the book “Mundos mutuos, la cocina como taller”, that is, what is being revealed results from a chain of oralities that are linked to different territories, mostly from Central and South America. In this process, my intention does not stop at the visual representation, but rather it is a reinterpretation that announces itself from the poetic and evidences an interweaving of associations with the biodiversity of a place, our communication with its plant kingdom and how its food is named from the collective."